It is often advised that to have a healthy life we should consume an adequate amount of fresh fruits that provide vitamins and nutrients required for our body. However, do we ever think if we are actually receiving that benefit?
For example, there’s a hype about Kashmir Apples or Berries with a promise to get maximum nutrients. However, do we ever think about where it’s being procured, how it’s being transported, or how the fruits stay fresh while transported from one state to another? Further, a good number of fruits are consumed with their skin. However, do we wonder if it has been sprayed with pesticides?
The increase in demand for specific fruits and the profitability pushes the farmers/traders to artificially preserve and ripen fruits using chemicals. The use of chemicals leads to a reduction of the vitamins, and nutrients present in the fruits as well as causing harmful effects on one’s health. The chemicals might surely make the fruits look glossy with uniform skin color to look appealing.
However, fruits grown locally, without pesticides, and without artificial preserving or ripening agents are better in terms of taste, nutrition & shelf life.
Eat local. Eat seasonal. Eat healthy.
Order farm fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables in Mysore online or contact over a call or whatsapp on 8105139191.
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